An impromptu dance on a summer evening
"Loud enough for dancing." Munsey's Magazine, 1904
"An Impromptu Dance with an Edison Phonograph," Pearson's Advertiser, 1906
The Edison Phonograph Monthly, August 1907
The Edison Phonograph Monthly, December 1912 Vernon Castle and Columbia Dance Records, The Theatre Magazine, 1914
"Dancing is delightful..." McCall's magazine, March, 1914 (Internet Archive)
"Here comes our Columbia." Cosmopolitan Magazine, May 1914
Columbia Records, The Theatre Magazine, June 1915
Victor Catalog - New Victor Records for August 1916
"The instrument that is always ready to oblige with the best dance music..." Victor 1917
"Any time is dancing time"
The Theatre Magazine June 1918
Vanity Fair, July 1917
The Saturday Evening Post, July 7, 1917
"Dance!" Life, February 26, 1914
Ladies Home Companion, 1915
Columbia Graphophone 1916
"The perfect music for the perfect partner! "The Ladies Home Journal, April 1919
"Dance any time -- the Victrola is always ready!" National Geographic, 1919
"Dance any time -- the Victrola is always ready!" Ladies' Home Journal, July 1919
"My Dance!" The Ladies Home Journal, September 1919
The Aeolian-Vocalion Play for the Dance, The Saturday Evening Post, 1919
"You can dance to the very last
note." The Ladies Home Journal, April 1920
Emerson Dance Hits, The Saturday
Evening Post, 1920 "And, oh, she dances such-a-way" The Delineator, October 1920
"Now we can dance" The Ladies Home Journal, June 1920
Victrola ad, 1920
There's real delight in dancing to the music of the Victrola - Artwork from 1921 Victrola ad
General Phonograph Corporation, The Talking Machine World, February 15, 1921
Illustration from Victrola ad, 1922
The Tango with Rudolph Valentine. The Talking Machine World, April 1923
Brunswick - The World's Greatest Dance
Music Interpretation, The Saturday Evening Post, 1923
- Disclaimer "Play it...and dance!" The Ladies Home Journal, July 1926
The Victrola beats out the deep measures that inspire good dancing." The Ladies Home Journal, 1926
BOOM...boom...the beat of the bass - Literary Digest November 19, 1927 (color version) RCA Radiola Barn Dance, 1926
GE Musaphonic, 1947
Westinghouse Combination Radio-Phonograph, 1948
Stromberg-Carlson "Mayflower" FM-AM, Radio-Phonograph Combination with Early American Cabinet, 1948
RCA Victor, 1951
Webcor, House & Garden, 1961