Pretty in Pink

Paramount Pictures, 1968


The Trax record store in the movie "Pretty in Pink" is an important location in the story. Andie (Molly Ringwald) meets her future boyfriend (Andrew McCarthy) at the store and her best friend and secret admirer Philip "Duckie" Dale (Jon Cryor) often visits the store.


Ceiling of the Trax record store being decorated by Andie's friend and store employee Iona (Annie Potts).



Iona puts a record on the phonograph's turntable behind the Trax record store's front counter.


After the record starts playing "Duckie" memorably dances and lip-syncs Otis Redding's "Try a Little Tenderness" while Iona and Andie bemusedly watch.





First meeting of Andie (Molly Ringwald) and her future boyfriend (Andrew McCarthy) with the Trax record store's phonograph to the right behind Andie.


The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack for "Pretty in Pink" was released on LP SP-5113 by A&M Records on Feburary 28, 1986.



Lists Source - Wikipedia (Extracted 1-27-2025)